Key Points / LTH (Long-Term Holding)
In crypto, LTH stands either for “Long-Term Holding” or “Long-Term Holder”.
A person who is a “Long-Term Holder” is someone who invested in cryptocurrencies for at least several years. LTH is not a short-term market speculation, but a long-term bullish opinion on a cryptocurrency or blockchain in general.
Very often, “Long-Term Holder” will practice the strategy of DCA, or dollar cost averaging, to purchase cryptocurrency. This is done to avoid any speculation at whatsoever.
Often the purchasing process is automated as well, to minimize psychological impact that might come with the price volatility of cryptocurrencies.
The most popular crypto wallet among LTHs is the Ledger wallet.
- Check out current Ledger wallet bundle deals in Eternal Black Friday
- Learn more about different types of crypto wallets
Best Tools for Crypto DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging)
- Trading Platform: Independent Reserve (Aussie exchange with DCA AutoSchedule function)
- Technical Analysis: None at all!
- Charting App: None at all!